Press Release
September 1st, 2017
Media contact: Chris Small,
During our time together, VADM Joseph Dyer (Ret) Former Commander NAVAIR helped us to identify 7 pillars of a successful program. He said that “Program success is made difficult by missing any one of these; Missing two does not lead to a good place.”
Take a look at what he identifies as the pillars of a successful program:
A well understood requirement with flow down to performance, spec and temp
A genuine integrated schedule with associated Earned Value Management
An independent cost estimate that includes sustainment! (one that isn’t part of the missionary movement where folks are trying to sell a program and to force fit it within available funds)
Genuinely sufficient and stable funding
A culture of drawing in outside competency (from the contractor, from the syscom, from academia)
A willingness to ask the hard questions and the courage and energy to not quit until you gain understanding
A recognition that it takes requirements, resources, and acquisition, all working together, to get the dog to hunt
