Press Release
November 23, 2015
Media contact: Chris Small,

Moorestown, NJ – Members of the Parts Life Team gave back this weekend at the Food Bank of South Jersey. “Every day in South Jersey, more than 200,000 people are not sure where their next meal will come from. Of that number 35% are children who after eating at school may come home to an empty plate and 12% are seniors that are making the difficult choice of whether to eat or pay for medicine. The rest are working families that don’t have enough to pay bills and keep three square meals on the table. The Food Bank of South Jersey and its network of 200+ food pantries and meal kitchens have been around since 1985 providing prepared meals and groceries to people in need. From humble beginnings in a small warehouse in Camden City to the present 65,000 square foot distribution center in Pennsauken, the Food Bank of South Jersey is the last safety net for those in need. Parts Life, Team members volunteered their time at the food bank by sorting through and categorizing food, and collecting incoming donations.