Press Release March 5, 2014
Cinnaminson, NJ – The Parts Life team was honored to be invited to take part in the Commissioning of the USS Somerset on Saturday, March 1, 2014.
“The naval commissioning ceremony has been a tradition of navies since 1775. It is the most significant event in the life of a ship. The commissioning is the final event in the triad that brings a ship to life and marks the entrance of a man-of-war into the naval forces of her nation.”

The name USS Somerset honors the heroic actions of the 40-person crew and passengers of United Flight 93 who sacrificed their lives on September 11, 2001. Their collective sacrifice and the tremendous courage they displayed in the face of overwhelming adversity preserved an unknown number of lives who would have been lost had the terrorists reached their intended target. We continue to stand in awe of the men and women who serve our country, and we are proud to be able to continue to support them!
Founded in 2007, Parts Life Inc. provides life cycle sustainment management and supply chain solutions that extend the life of expensive military mission critical assets. Clients include the U.S. Army, Dept. of the Navy, and department of the Air Force as well as the Defense Logistics Agency, prime military contractors, and key players in the automotive, aerospace and construction equipment industries.

To learn about Parts Life, Inc. visit us at or contact Chris Small,